A Story of Self-Interest

Let’s imagine, a tribe of cave men and women are suffering a rough winter and have gone for months without a good slab of uhh…mammoth. One night, three cavemen are sent to hunt down a mammoth. One is the hunting chief, the other two are assistants. Let’s name the backup guys Rockafeller and Marx. Rockafeller … Continue reading


A friend of mine posted this video on twitter and I was completely moved by witnessing this side of Lauryn Hill. At only 13 years old, she was able to stand before a stadium of people, who were there to judge her, and sing. The fact that children that age would risk such public rejection … Continue reading

Are NonProfits the Next in Line for Extinction? pt1

There’s a lot of talk about the end being near. The Mayans predicted some kind of end to mankind around this time next year. Christians have been predicting the end of days for God knows how long. Between predicted droughts and melting ice caps in the environmentalist doomsday dialogue, there are a whole bunch of things that aren’t expected to survive this generation. Perhaps one of them are non-profit organizations.